Making appointment GP

Medical system in the Netherlands

Role GP in the Netherlands

Every patient has to register for a GP-clinic in the Netherlands.In the Netherlands, the GP holds a central role when it comes to healthcare. He/she is a medical specialist whom you can contact first in case of any physical or mental complaint. Furthermore, a GP is your link to any other specialist you may require, as they are trained to determine whether you need the help of a specialist.As well as answering any health questions you may have, a GP in the Netherlands can also perform minor surgical procedures and carry out pediatric and gynecological examinations. Generally, a GP does not provide dental treatments.

Making appointments with a GP

You can contact our GP-clinic directly to make an appointment. Phone no.: 040-2534502.The GP assistant will ask some questions to assess your situation and whether you need to come in the same day or a few days later. They can often provide you with advice as well, as they are a medical professional.You may also be able to consult the doctor over the phone.

Opening hours:  every Monday to Friday from 08am till 5pm. Except Wednesday: from; 08am till 12.

When you contact us by phone; press 1 only for emergency, 2 for medication renewal, 3 to speak with the GP assistant.


The GP-office will be closed outside of the normal business hours stated above.  In case of an emergency, you can call the Spoedpost/Huisartsenpost 040-2660505 . This is a GP who is working in the hospital and is available only for emergency complaints that cannot wait until the next day. Any contact with the Spoedpost/Huisartsenpost will be documented and sent to your own GP. This is to ensure that your own GP will take notice of any severe complaints/sickness or to continue treatment that has been started at the Spoedpost. 

What to expect at an appointment

An appointment at our practice  lasts 10minutes per patient and you’ll be able to discuss 1 complaint. If you need more time or you have other complaints, please let our assistant know so more time will be scheduled for you.Please try to be on time as the doctor has reserved time for you. If you are 5 minutes too late, unfortunately the appointment will be canceled and you will be asked to make another appointment. This rule has been made as to not rush the assessment of the doctors and to ensure good quality care for our patients. If you cannot make it to the appointment, please call us to cancel the appointment so other patients can be scheduled.With kind regards,

Huisartsenpraktijk Hoeks

Huisartsenpraktijk Hoeks

040 25 34 502

Ma, Di, Do en Vrijdag
8:00-12:30 uur
14:00-17:00 uur

woensdag 08:00-12:00 uur

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